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Shift-JIS (hex) Codepoint (hex) Codepoint (dec) UTF8 Hex Code UTF8 String Description Eng. Definition Pronunciation
(URL to the results below)      Glyph Entry Key: 

"Top-level" is the first Hex digit of the desired chunk. "Next-level" is the second Hex digit. "Last-level" is the third.
Put "00" after that and you have the starting point in Hex; e.g.: 1C800 through 1C8FF if Top, Next, and Last are 1, C, and 8.
Characters in RED have been combined with another character because they're combining forms.
Unicode Hex
UTF-8 Hex
Shift-JIS Hex
Decimal Code
0123456789ABCDEFC2000 - C2FFF (794,624 - 798,719)
0123456789ABCDEFC2F00 - C2FFF (798,464 - 798,719)
Block Nav: 
Previous (0xC2E00) | Next (0xC3000)

Click on a character (or its name) to copy it to the Unisearch Clipboard.
Click to copy "󂼮" to the clipboard.

󂼮 No Description
Unicode (Hex): C2F2E
UTF-8 (Hex): F382BCAE
Shift-JIS (Hex): None
Unicode (HTML): 󂼮

(c)2023, ThếGiớiLậpTrình.Net